By Luke Keeport and Milani Ly

On the banks of Blueberry Pond the lived a family of six children and and five parents but three of the adults sat in bed because their limbs and personality were not the best but mostly the limbs.And they also ate a lot of blueberry.Their children loved to eat so they were very very fat.Their favorite activity was to roll down the hill on their blubber.The two adults are very very very thin like they never ever ate!So the children looked more like tan marshmallows then they looked like humans.And the adults look like toothpicks.

One day the kids were rolling too fast and knocked an old couple down.As they were coming they screamed “TIMBER!!!!!!!!”Then when they came out they were forced on a diet.They screamed in horror….”No!!!!!!!Not a diet!”If we are on a diet then we may not roll on our blubber because will have any“whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy!”And because vegetables just are plain poison.

One year later when the kids have FINALLY! Become thin like the weird weird weird other two parents.But then one of the children whose name was chad got so hungry he ate the fattest pig he could find.And when he went back as fat as he was before he had to go on that horrible diet of his.Then one day( after the diet) he decided to to play something else besides rolling down the hill on his blubber.He decided to try to float in the pond he went down to the pond and jumped in but instead of floating he sunk.


Then the dog had to save Chad for being completely dumb.Then, the parents had a conversation with Chad and asked why he was fat all over again.Chad said “Well I was sorta starving and ate a fat pig .”His parents told him how he would never ever fit any clothes,his bed, or even through the doors!So Chad had to stay inside the house for ever and was never could have fun again.Because his love if food had gotten the best and it had turned out as the worst scenario.


Meanwhile the other five kids were enjoying their skinny skinny lives playing ping-pong and doing new activities NOT mad for fat people.Now they use Chad as a giant yoga ball.But Chad had always screamed every time he was kicked.So now, Chad had learned his lesson.Meanwhile the other kids are outside playing non-fat people games.Like ping-pong.So the non-fat kids had a wonderful life while chad had one of misery


                                   So, this is how our parody ends…
                                                THE END!


  1. I wish that you didn’t misspell some words. I wonder why Chad didn’t exercise so he could go outside. I like how you made Chad turn into a yoga ball. That was very funny.

  2. I wish you told me the reason Chad jumped in the lake.
    I like that they rolled down the hill.
    I wonder why chad didn’t go on a diet?

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