My Goals

What goals do you have for yourself in 4th grade?  What do you want to accomplish in 4th grade this year? What do you like so far about 4th grade and how can you become a better student than last year.

My fourth grade goals are to do get better at bloging because I’m hoping to be a national blogger and make friends around the world.The second thing I want to get better at playing the violin and be a famous violin player and be rich.Next I want to pass

My dance test in may and do the recital.I’m a very shy person.Also I want to succeed in 4th grade.

I also want to learn more about division so i can succeed in school.Next I want to learn how to understand instructions easier because I usually need vision it. Also want to work on my presentation voice level because sometimes I use 1 instead of 3.Lastly I want to help out more.

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