May 21


How was you Thanksgiving what did you do over Thanksgiving break?

My Thanksgiving/Thanksgiving break was great I got to spend more time with my family/friends. On Thanksgiving day we had a giant amount of food. We had corn, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pepper cabbage, cranberry sauce, and cracker pudding ( my favorite was the stuffing). I also went blank friday shopping with my family! We went to a lot of different stores. We went to bath & body works, under armor, arie, and a lot more places. We were out shopping until 10:30 P.M.! Anyway so on friday I didn’t do much I just kind of laid in bed and watched TV. On saturday I went to my friends house for a sleepover! We had a lot of fun we decorated cookies, made cupcakes, and more. Then the next day when I got home I went shopping with my family again. We went to the mall. Then for dinner we went to some mexican place and they had really good food. Then when I got home I went to my other friends house for a sleepover. Then it wa monday and after I got home I made some homemade christmas cards. Then it was tuesday and we were back to school.

Please comment and tell me about your thanksgiving weekend.

Posted May 21, 2019 by kauffm526 in category Uncategorized

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