May 21

Favorite Holiday

What is your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is 4th of july because I get to be with family and friends and we get to eat cheeseburgers and hot dogs. I really really like watching the fireworks they are always so pretty and light up the sky. I like being with family and friends because they never fail to make me laugh, we always have a good time, and most important we care for each other. I like the food on 4th of july because I love food that is grilled and cheeseburger and hot dogs we grill. I really like the fireworks because like every different firework is unique and they are all so pretty. I really like how the fireworks light up the sky and sometimes there are a bunch at one time which also makes it really cool. All of these things are a tradition for 4th of july.Honda Celebration of Light 2018 Jerry Meaden via Compfight Brent M. via Compfight

Posted May 21, 2019 by kauffm526 in category Uncategorized

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