
I swear that today shall be a good day…

It will be… I hope it to be.

I’ll make it a good day.

I’ll/ make it…


This entry was posted on February 3, 2015. 2 Comments


Today I got two books at the library that I hope will help me with my stress…

I really… Really hope it helps ^^;



I see how the more stress you get, the harder it is to keep up your grades. XC

Being a Teen

Usually the number one thing you experience is being misunderstood by your parents.

I just wanna run off to Esperellda now, don’t mind me when I do…



I just wanna move and start everything over. School is really stressing me out now.


There’s so much snow outside~! I hope we get no school tomorrow. I want to sleep in and I’m also afraid to ride the bus in this weather. Anyway… I really like this blog and I hope I can keep it for random things after I move to Alabama…


I joined this blog… Yay~?

Haha… I’m moving in one week but i might still use this 😀

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This entry was posted on January 13, 2015. 1 Comment