My Identity

Most of you know me as Autumn Star Francis…

But I am way more than that with my friends.


I’m usually called “The Goddess of Imagination.”


Take a look at Esperellda.

Only a God can truly create their whole world and well…I made one inside my head…Out of pure imagination.


Others call me a “Dark Angel.”

I used to be innocent.

Never got in trouble or break rules…

But I changed that just to get what I desired…

Like an angel eating the forbidden fruit just to be with a demon they love…

They fall… they go dark…

Like me.

I don’t think Dark Angels are evil… just misunderstood.

That’s exactly who I am.


I am me… and I am what I represent.

It’s my identity…


What’s YOUR identity..?

4 thoughts on “My Identity

  1. I find it funny how if no one comments it say “No comments yet :(”

    But you know me as well me but the difference between us is your Dark i’m Fallen…not exactly sure how to explain one. Unless it’s what I think it is if so then and angel who has already fallen when a Dark Angel is still falling

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