

I wonder how such things have happened.

Many events happened to me.

Some so cruel

Hundreds so vivid

Many filled with delight.

I’ll seek out my answers

I will try to fight

For I’m just a little butterfly in this world

Hoping to stay flying free.



Why do you come so unexpectedly?

I asked for some good

I prayed for no bad.

Still I got it oppositely.



How do you travel?

Wings of black and white.

You gave me my worst.

You gave me my best.

You left my mind out of sight.




Where do you come from?

North, East, or West?

I look all around, avoiding sky and ground

Expecting the worst and best.



When do you strike?

Is it only by random,

Or only when you spot turning wheels on a bike?



Who are you?

We know you,

You we love and hate.

You hold the strings, the wheel,

The butterfly and scissors.

And you are known as fate.


2 thoughts on ““Fate”

  1. I like this! Although, have you talk to yourself reading this? I think I think it would be a good thing to do while to proof read and edit your poem.

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