How I can Help my community

Did you know that you could change your community just is the next eight hours!

In eight hours I could  go to a homeless shelter and help cook or donate old clothes. I could also go to the local pantreat and donate some canned food. Also I could plant more trees and plants so we could have cleaner air in the future. In eight days I could go around town and help the local elderly homes and help the staff and I could help out with the animal shelter. In eight months I  could go to the mayor’s office and ask if I could get a pattion so that their is only certain spots that you could smoke so that you don’t effect the other adults and kids around you. I could ask it see if we can make it a law that you have to recycle anything that you can. In eight years I could go the the local shelter and donate and do a lot of community service. I could also help out at the mayor’s office to see if he/she could make a law that you can’t cut down certain trees in New Holland.

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