Independent Novel Initial Reactions

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For my independent novel project, I am reading Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.  My initial reaction to the book is positive.  I think it is a good book so far because there is a lot of action.  The story takes place in the future when aliens are in conflict with humans.  The main character Ender is being trained to fight the aliens which are called buggers along with other kids.  In Ender’s Game, Humans train from a young age through games and more.  It is a good book so far but the plot has not really developed yet, so I hope that the book has a good plot.

Week 12 Blog Post

Is it better to have an outlandish dream or none at all?

I believe that it is better to have an outlandish dream rather than none at all.  I don’t think having outlandish dreams can really harm you.  As long as you don’t have outlandish expectations, you shouldn’t be disappointed with your future.  I think it is a good thing to have big dreams just because it can be fun to have big dreams.  Having outlandish dreams can also cause you to work harder to achieve your goals.  If you have no dreams, then life would just be boring and you wouldn’t work hard for anything.  I think that it is better to have outlandish dreams than none at all.

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Week 11 Contemporary News Article

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Why everyone’s worried about the new ‘Great Gatsby’ movie

The article talks about how there is a lot of hype for the Great Gatsby movie.  It also says that there are a lot of critics who are against making another Great Gatsby movie.  The author of the article agrees that the film won’t come close to the power of the novel.  The author says “The Great Gatsby” is a novel “thin on story, but incredibly thick with introspection, thoughts” and more.  He also says that the older version of the movie isn’t nearly as good as the book.

My opinion is that it probably isn’t as good as the book, but it’s nice to have a movie so you can see an interpretation of the story.

Why are people so against making another movie?

Does the author think this movie should be made?

Week 10 Blog Post

How much can you control the person you grow up to be?

I believe that you can control the person you grow up to be to a great extent.  Although some people are more fortunate in the situation they are born into, you make the choices that decide who you are when you grow up.  You can decide to be kind to others and you can decide to make a difference in the world, or you can choose to be unkind and lazy.  There are also many other things you can do now that will affect the person you grow up to be.  You can choose to study subjects at school related to the career you want to have in the future, and you will have a better chance of having that career when you grow up.  As you can see, you can decide who you be when you grow up.