Week 7 Blog Post

Rudy Giuliani comparing impeachment to the Salem witch trials is a little right and a lot wrong, expert says


The article starts off by saying that when Giles Corey was accused of witchcraft, he knew he didn’t stand a chance at trial.  Then it says that Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani said the Salem Witch Trial were fairer than the case for Trump to be impeached.  He said that “even Salem witch trials didn’t use anonymous testimony.”  He continued to say, “The accused had to be confronted by a witness willing to put their name and reputation behind the charges and then had to be available for cross examination.”  Giuliani also said in an interview that the witches “had more rights.”  The author of the article says Giuliani’s comparison to the Salem witch trials is inaccurate because the impeachment inquiry is not a trial.  The author goes on to explain everything else that is wrong with this comparison.

I agree with the author because I believe that the comparison is inaccurate.

Why are the witch trials still being mentioned today?

Why did Giuliani choose to use the witch trials to defend Trump?

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