Week 4 Blog Post

Who should make the important decisions that affect an entire society in America? How should we choose and follow those people?

I believe that the government as a whole should work together to make decisions that affect America.  I agree with the current system that America uses to pass laws.  I agree because there are three branches and there is not one branch that has too much power.  There are checks and balances set in place so that all laws that are passed are agreed on for the most part and so no unconstitutional laws are put in place.

I also agree with how the government elects people to make decisions.  I think that the people making the decisions should be chosen by the citizens of America.  I like how America allows people to vote on who gets put into authority.

I believe that citizens of America should follow the laws that these people put in place because all laws put in place in America are constitutional and we have many rights in America.  As you can see, I believe that the government as a whole should make the important decisions that affect an entire society in America, that these people should be chosen by the citizens of America, and that we should follow the laws the government puts in place.

What Type of Government Does the United States Have?

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