Spring Updates

qimono / Pixabay


Google Earth – Carmen San Diego is Back

Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? If you have this song stuck in your head now and are recalling childhood memories of solving clues, learning about geography, cultures while trying to catch the elusive globe traveling criminal then have no fear she is back. Google is launching a new caper in Google Earth called “The Crown Jewels Caper”.


Video Writing Prompts by John Spencer   

Free-Photos / Pixabay

Looking for ways to spice up writing in your classroom? Looking for resources to help your learners with writing? Make sure you check out John Spencer’s Video Writing Prompts website. Here you will find short videos giving descriptive and imaginative ready-to-go writing prompts on 9 genres as well as a link to his YouTube Channel.  






PlayPosit is an interactive video platform that easily allows teachers to transform passive video and audio into interactive experiences. Learners will experience personalized learning pathways when participating in PlayPosit bulbs. Research has shown that interactive video is three times as effective as standard video; learners explore, analyze and apply concepts at their own pace in a flipped or blended setting. Learners receive live feedback to increase long-term retention, which triples learning efficacy over standard video. Teachers gain immediate, easily-digestible data on learner performance to effectively remediate concepts and maximize instruction time. Susan Germer and Ben Levy created PlayPosit in their classrooms with their students making every aspect of this platform built to engage students and make teachers’ lives easier and more effective.

Here is a step-by-step guide for accessing PlayPosit and building fantastic bulbs:

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