7 Amazing Limericks

By: Maggie and Connor


There once was a mouse named Annie.

She had a hundred year old granny.

Yet she went to the gym

With her boyfriend Zim.  

And left home her grandson named Sammy.

There once was a elephant named Elly.  

Her favorite food was jelly.

She swam very often

To make her skin soften

But she often became very smelly.

There once was a window in town.

The glass was very brown.

It needed a polish

But then it was demolished.

And everyone who looked at it would frown.


There once was a boy named Greg.

He fell and broke his leg.

He was playing tag

With a old bag

And he sat on an ostrich egg.


There once was a cat named Matt

He had a purple hat

The cat was blue

His lunch was too

And his dinner was a big fat bat.


There once was an eagle named Down.

He had a shiny crown.

He pretended to be king   

Cause he had a diamond ring

And he ended up looking like a clown.


There once was a star named Shiny.

She was very whiny.

She was scared of a height.

They gave her such a fright

Because her nose was very tiny.

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