February 5

How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate?

Ryan:Red                   Tyler Ma:Green


How would you summarize “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate?


To serve as presidential candidate you must be a natural born citizen. That means they would have to be born in the United States of America or they could of been born in another country, but they have to live in the United States of America for 14 years. If they want to run they have to be at least thirty-five years old.


To understand how a person becomes a presidential candidate it’s critical to understand the role of political parties. Throughout the decades, there have been a number of political parties. Many have been disbanded, but two major parties and a number of minor ones-still exist.


If you want to be a presidential candidate you have to have the support of one of the major parties. Which is the Democratic party or the presidential party. These party provides abundant support to the presidential, including funding, or opportunities to easily send messages and ideas to many people, and access to research and workers.


Before a candidate can run for president, he or she must be chosen by a political party. Each state holds a primary or a caucus for this purpose during an election year, which occurs every four years. Most states hold primaries. In a caucus, party members have meetings and give speeches to support specific candidates; then they vote to select a candidate. In a primary, voters come to the polls to vote for a specific candidate.


February 5

Freewrite by Ryan

Come on, we have to get set to get our ship ready said Brian. I will be the sailor. We were all on the ship in the ocean all day long, but finally we saw it the biggest ship I have ever seen. This ship was triple the size of ours. The enormous ship was getting closer every second, we had to be ready to defend. It was raining hard and storming. “Cannons out!” Screamed Joe. Boom! Good shot Brian! The big enemy ship was easy to target because it was big and slow. We had the advantage of being small,fast, and mighty. After about three on target shots, the enemy finally attacked. Dodge yelled Brian! Nice dodge Joe! Then we attacked and boom the enemy ship was down. We won! Wow we sure are legendary partners.Tenacious

February 1


Ryan:Light Blue

Joey: Purple


The Best things to do on a snow day is to play in the snow, stay inside and play video games, and to drink hot chocolate. late after all of the action let me tell you more.

The first best thing to do on a snow day is to play in the snow. Playing in the snow is super fun, especially when you have friends, or family or even pets if you have one and trust me You can do a lot of fun things in the snow like have a snowball fight or play king of the hill. You can also just go outside and sled, or get your  snowboard that is also super fun!

The second best thing to do on a snow day is to play video games, playing video games  is really fun because you can do many things like play multiplayer, singleplayer, or campaign. If you have friends on PS4 or Xbox One they will know when you are online and what game you are playing so they can play with you or they can help you by talking to you on the mic. without actually playing the game itself.


The last best thing to do on a snow day is to drink hot chocolate. Drinking hot chocolate is so good especially when you are done playing in the snow. It just has that amazing taste that I love! My mom always has it ready for when we come in from playing in the snow and she always has it nice and tasty, and warm. Hot chocolate is so good!

So this was the best things to do on a snow day you can play in the snow, stay inside and play video games, or drink some nice good hot chocolate! That was our favorite things to do on a snow day hopefully you enjoyed it as much as we did writing it!


January 28

Author’s attitude

Tyler Ma: PINK   Ryan: Greenimages  JOEY: BLUE What is the author’s attitude toward the subject of the article?

The Author’s attitude toward a subject of an article, is if they don’t really like the story or article they could object the article or story. It could be in the grammar, it could be in a paragraph, it could be anywhere really. If I was an author I wouldn’t really want to read a story about a kid that lives in a house then a man comes in and takes a candle. Then it just runs out the door. You have to get them excited  and pump up to read. Not just a boring story that has no fun init.


Also the author can have a attitude toward a subject by having to write a story and then goes over it and the he thinks it is bad because he has his own attitude by writing so that will make him rewrite some things that they don’t want them to right. Authors will sometimes rewrite it to make it a little better, but whoever wrote it first the author that is fixing it has to ask there permission to rewrite a little bit of it. He would get some credit to if he allows the author to rewrite the story.


The author normally wants to have a positive attitude  toward the story so the readers can connect to him and interact with the characters in the story, so they feel like they are in it. So they kind of work as a team. The readers want to have something exciting to read so the author has to make sure the story is very fun to read and it is nice and exciting for all readers. if readers find out your story is good then they will want to read on if it is a series, if they hate it they will not read your books anymore, so authors should make series and keep the books nice and exciting.

If he doesn’t like the story he could write on a separate piece of paper and Jot some things down about the things he’s going to do or write again to make the story better. Or he could jot down things that  he doesn’t like and will tell people that the story wasn’t really good and entertaining. So we you never want an author fixing your story so that will make your story look bad. So make sure that you story is 100% fun and entertaining to read about. Like put fictional things in you writing like a guy ramped a dirt bike over a 100 foot cliff. See it’s impossible, but it’s still fun to read about.  The author’s attitude really does matter in order for the book to be good and the reader will enjoy it if the author has a positive attitude, and a good, funny story for the readers to read.   


January 7

How can fiction bring imagination to life?

Ryan:Black          Bryce:Red


How can fiction bring imagination to life?


Fiction can bring imagination to life by making the readers of the book thinking that things are real. For example, they can make you think dragons are real in fantasy books, by trying to persuade you and imagine it. That is one way how fiction can bring imagination to life.

Another way fiction can bring imagination to life is from movies as well because when you are watching it you can imagine it to from the people, characters, and objects in the movie.  Like in inside out the girl has a imaginary friend called bing bong.


The last way fiction bring imagination to life is by adventuring around cool places and you imagine something that is not real, but you believe and imagine it is real inside of your head. I do that most of the times when I go adventuring with friends outside and exploring. Exploring is fun but it gets dangerous sometimes. How does it get dangerous because snakes bite and dogs bark.

December 23

What does the yellow suit mans actions tell you about his character?

The yellow suit mans actions tells me he is very sneaky. He is sneaky because he heard what the tucks were saying about the pond to Winnie. He is also sneaky because he found out where they took Winnie. I also think the yellow suit man is smart because he went to get Winnie and in return he would get the Fosters wood. He is smart because he set up that good deal. That is what I think of the yellow suit man.

December 10

How the moving pond is meaningful?

The moving pond is a wheel said Tuck. It keeps on going and going and it never stops. Tuck was explaining this to Winnie and he also said it looks the same but actually is not the same because at night it moves and goes down to the ocean and the sun gathers it and sends it to the clouds and starts the cycle all over again. Winnie was very silent when Tuck was explaining this and realized how silent it was at that pond. That is how the pond is very meaningful.

November 24

What does thankful mean to you?

Thankful means many things to me and I will explain that. Thankful means to me that you like that thing you respect it and your are happy for it. You are very grateful for it. I am very thankful for many things including family,sports,god, and friends. I am very thankful to be apart of this world and be able to have things like family. That is what thankful means to me I hope you are very thankful for things also like me.

November 17

The Best Invention!

I think the best invention is Video Games and Sports because they are both super fun,exciting, and Important to have because you need exercise and video games teach you skill. I also think they are the bets inventions because by Us kids want to not always have to do school work and when we get home we finish homework and look forward to getting to go to a sports practice and play video games. That is why I think they are the best inventions.