February 23

Imagine You Were An Animal

Ryan:Italics                                      Chris:Regular


Imagine that you are an animal in the zoo. What type of animal are you? How do you feel about being caged? How do you feel about people that visit and watch you?


If I was an animal in the zoo I would be a monkey. I would be a monkey because I could crawl around really well and eat bananas all day, like come on who wouldn’t want to do that? Monkeys are just way too cool. Also with monkeys you can hold onto branches and that would be very fun and cool.


If I was an animal in the zoo I would be a gorilla. I would be a gorilla because they can eat with their toes. Gorillas would also be very cool because you could easily crawl around with your knuckles! Another cool thing about Gorillas is they can pound their chest and be really strong.


Those were all the reasons why you should be a monkey and gorilla. Monkeys can crawl around a lot and be fast and eat bananas all day. Gorillas are cool to because they can eat with their toes and can crawl around with their knuckles which is awesome! Monkeys and Gorillas are both awesome zoo animals and they have similar traits, and have some differences. I hope you enjoyed! 

Posted February 23, 2016 by conrademv in category Uncategorized

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