February 5

How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate?

Ryan:Red                   Tyler Ma:Green


How would you summarize “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate?


To serve as presidential candidate you must be a natural born citizen. That means they would have to be born in the United States of America or they could of been born in another country, but they have to live in the United States of America for 14 years. If they want to run they have to be at least thirty-five years old.


To understand how a person becomes a presidential candidate it’s critical to understand the role of political parties. Throughout the decades, there have been a number of political parties. Many have been disbanded, but two major parties and a number of minor ones-still exist.


If you want to be a presidential candidate you have to have the support of one of the major parties. Which is the Democratic party or the presidential party. These party provides abundant support to the presidential, including funding, or opportunities to easily send messages and ideas to many people, and access to research and workers.


Before a candidate can run for president, he or she must be chosen by a political party. Each state holds a primary or a caucus for this purpose during an election year, which occurs every four years. Most states hold primaries. In a caucus, party members have meetings and give speeches to support specific candidates; then they vote to select a candidate. In a primary, voters come to the polls to vote for a specific candidate.


Posted February 5, 2016 by conrademv in category Uncategorized

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