February 5

Friday Freewrite 2/5/16

Basketball Team

A team I was apart of was my basketball team. We had lots of good times, and hard times. One big thing I have learned is, in order to win you have to work as a team, and cooperate with each other. That is a key thing in order for your team to succeed . During our games we learned to keep our heads and not get sad, or mad if you make a mistake because everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect so it is okay to make mistakes. Basketball is super fun when you work as a team because everyone gets the ball, and has a chance to score and make something happen. Defense is also a very important thing, in order to win you have to have good defense on your team. If you have good defense then your team will stop the other team, and they will not score as much as you do. In defense you have to call screens, help each other, and protect the basket. You don’t want the other team to score a lot. Basketball is very fun, hard, and you have to work together to win. Practices are very important, but games are the most fun. Especially when it is a close game with not a lot of time left. But in order to do good in a game you have to listen to your coach at practice.Stainless steel 

Posted February 5, 2016 by conrademv in category Uncategorized

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