Tag Archives: The Iceman

The Iceman, A Slaymaker

The Iceman


The Iceman was a elder in his mid 40s and was found in Neolithic, and south of the Alps.


The Ice man was murdered for unknown purposes. When he left people think that the iceman was in a argument or fight before he left his village. That may have been why he was murdered. Whatever He was murdered with there was a hole in the back of the Iceman’s head. Also he had a stone arrow head in his back left shoulder, since the arrow was in his back we know that he was attacked from behind. The Iceman could have bled to death or went into (shock, loss of blood, pass out then died).


When the ice man left to the mountains he was very prepared he had tools, the iceman had a knife, bow, a copper axe, something that looked like a fanny pack, backpack frame, and was dressed warm.


From examining the body scientists found what he last ate was wild lam and plants. They also found that he had a disease from examining his fingernails.


These were the iceman’s final moments.

The last moments of the Iceman- MMyers

The Life Of The Iceman

Life was amazing. There was plenty of food and spring was on the way which meant warm weather. I wasn’t very big, but I didn’t care. I was 45 years old. I was even an important person in the world. You’re probably wondering why I keep saying “was”. Well, everything used to be that way but then my life changed forever. I was going about my normal routine and was leaving from a meeting with the mayor when all of the sudden… BOOM! I heard a sound so loud that it made the whole building shake. I turn around to see that the mayor’s office is on fire!

I run back up the stairs when someone jumps out from behind the corner with a gun. I know this fire wasn’t meant for the mayor, it was meant for me. I don’t think, I just do. Immediately I whack my fist into his mouth and he falls over unconscious. I don’t care about the mayor anymore I just run. I realize that I can no longer live in this town. I need to leave. But I am not prepared.

I run back to my house to gather supplies. I grab an axe, a 10 flint tip arrows, 2 finished flint tip arrows, and an unfinished bow. I change into an old t-shirt and jeans, pull on a long-sleeve shirt and grab a coat. Along with the axe, I grab a hatchet to cut down wheat and corn and other crops where i’m going to move. I grab my walking stick and my fishing net. I walk back into my house and grab some food and water jugs. It’s going to be a long walk to the next town. I grab some extra clothes to cushion the jugs. As I step out of my house I check to make sure the coast is clear. I walk down the walkway and run as fast as I can to get away from this town and from the enemies. What’s waiting for me at the next town. Who knows.

I run and I run till my old town is just a speck behind my. I ran into the forest and into the cover of the trees. I slow to a walk and take in my surroundings. Trees surround me like they are my enemies, and the birds sing that tune that your mom would sing to you when you couldn’t sleep. Everything was so beautiful but I knew I couldn’t linger on it to long. At that very moment, I heard the snap of a twig and suddenly, I truly was surrounded. 12 men surrounded me at every angle so there was nowhere for me to run. I would have to fight.

“What do you want?” I demanded.

“Oh, you know.” Said a guy to my left. “The usual. We want you dead!”

“Well sorry but that’s not going to happen.” I took a step closer to the guy and gave a hard kick to his leg. He lost balance and feel over. One man down. I thought. 11 more to go! I turn around to find that the next guy is ready for the hit. I only have time to get one of my arms up before he strikes. He slashes around with his knife and I try to grab his arm but he cuts my wrist. That’s it I have to get out of here! I thought. I look up and see that nobody is waiting for me in the tree tops. I grab the nearest branch and throw myself up into the trees in the cover of the leaves. It’s getting dark. I thought. Many times darkness can be better travelling weather than in the daytime. This can help me. I climb high up in the trees till my attackers are just a speck on the ground. They seem confused. I see one look up in my direction. I close my eyes and keep as still as I can get. No gunshots, no screams. I don’t think they see me. Eventually I hear the sounds of leaves and I hear the sounds of their voices getting quieter. Now there is nothing more than silence. I jump down from my tree and race off in the opposite direction that they came from. They went back into the town so I will keep going the way I was going. I am not stopping any more other than to sleep and to get food and water.

I run and I run, never stopping till I reach a mountain range In Northern Italy that I need to either get across, or around. I stop and put my fur coat on. I take a break to rest. I look at my hand to see if it’s ok. It is healing really good. The next morning I realize I am not in the best shape to do this. My stomach hurts and I feel like I will throw up. I keep going anyway. 1/4 the way up I stop to take a break. I find a cave where I can start a fire. I was sitting outside the cave with my back to the edge of the cliff. I estimated I was probably about 6,500 feet above sea level. All of the sudden, I felt something pierce my left shoulder blade. I started sweating, even though I was in the middle of the mountains in spring, I was sweating! I went into shock. It was so bad that I almost feel over the edge of the cliff. I felt my heart: it had gone up about 9 times as much as when I first began this journey. I felt my shoulder, something was sticking through it! I looked down and saw that an arrow had gone straight through where my artillery would have been. I saw the markings on the arrow. There was no doubt about it. This was one of my attackers arrows. I saw it in his pocket. I look back over my shoulder and see a face smiling back at me and I felt something hit my skull. A bullet. I don’t know how I knew, I just did. And that was when I fell, I feel towards that foot of the mountain, I fell towards my death. It was in that moment of realization that everything went black.