Tag Archives: South Africa

Living in South Africa-JSmucker

South Africa is subtropical in the northeast, Mediterranean in the southwest, and temperate in the interior plateau, and a small spot of desert in the northwest. If I were to live in the subtropical northeast, it would be warmer and I would more time outside over the year. If I were live in the Southwest with a Mediterranean climate, I would enjoy the mild winter and hot summer. I would spend a lot of time outside in the summer and I wouldn’t have to worry about a freezing winter, for they would be mild.

Living in South Africa- JMininger

You might wonder what South Africa is like, and what the people there need to live. Well I can tell you a little bit of their environment, and what it is like there. First of all South Africa does not have any lakes whatsoever. So they would have to go to the ocean if they wanted to get a nice swim in. Also because there are oceans surrounding part of South Africa they eat seafood. They also eat many other meats because around there area, there are many wild animals. That also means they need things to defend themselves against these wild animals when they come across one. Finally there are four different seasons, just like The United States of America, so you would need lots of close that are for different seasons in the year.