Tag Archives: Maine

Living in Maine


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Geography Impact

For the geography impact project I chose to do Maine, U.S.A! Maine is close to the Ocean so there is probably an abundant amount of seafood, it also has a lot of lakes so there are probably some freshwater fish. And in addition to the plentiful amount of freshwater fish they probably get, the lakes also provide a source of freshwater to drink. Maine is quite chilly though so I would probably want to have a safe warm house away from the bears and moose that are quite common. The moose would also be good to hunt  and save for food in the winter when it is too cold to hunt! Maine has many mountains as well so you could go on hikes or go climbing! In conclusion Maine is a good place for me to stay, Because I like the ocean, hiking, and cold weather!

Living in Maine- G.Smeltz

If I lived in Maine the geography would affect me greatly. I would need to have a very warm place to stay because it is a very cold climate up in Maine. I would also have to get used to a lot of snow and precipitation because there is a lot of water in Maine so it rains and snows a lot. I would need to have some good safety measures because there are many animals in Maine that are dangerous to humans.One last thing is that I would have to live in is a place that is close to a town because there is a lot of wildlife and very little humans so if I lived farther away from a town an emergency could be hard to handle. To change the geography I would cut down some trees and use the wood as firewood and then use the space to keep an eye out for dangerous animals.