Tag Archives: Iraq

Iraq- ASalim

I would live in Iraq in the 1970s. I would live there Because it looked very good it’s people were very nice. There were beaches nice trees I was great. And the colleges were also free so you didn’t even need to have money all you needed was to be smart.



If I was a college student I would usually wake up go to the beach rest get in the water all that beach stuff. Then study for anything for college tests anything that involves school. Then I might hangout with friends or family if you live nearby.


And there is family that I never saw before so I get to see more of my family that I never saw. I would get to see my dad’s dad, my mom’s mom, my mom’s sister. I would get to see a lot of family and some friends.


And that is why I would go to Iraq in the 1970s. I would be so happy that I can go to college without paying and seeing friends and family.