Tag Archives: Geography

Geography L.H

The place I would move to is Puerto Rico. If I move there I would have to get more summer cloths because its hot most of the time and I would need to learn Spanish because thats the main thing they speak there they also speak English but not much. Theres water falls and forest and theres a lot of walking place to place too.

Iraq- ASalim

I would live in Iraq in the 1970s. I would live there Because it looked very good it’s people were very nice. There were beaches nice trees I was great. And the colleges were also free so you didn’t even need to have money all you needed was to be smart.



If I was a college student I would usually wake up go to the beach rest get in the water all that beach stuff. Then study for anything for college tests anything that involves school. Then I might hangout with friends or family if you live nearby.


And there is family that I never saw before so I get to see more of my family that I never saw. I would get to see my dad’s dad, my mom’s mom, my mom’s sister. I would get to see a lot of family and some friends.


And that is why I would go to Iraq in the 1970s. I would be so happy that I can go to college without paying and seeing friends and family.


Living in California-A. Kern

If I were to live in California, it would effect me in many ways.  

The daily temperature is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, so the climate is usually very warm.  Since the temperature is so warm, I would have to wear sunscreen, stay in the Air Conditioning, and drink water a lot.  The Pacific Ocean borders California, so I would be swimming in the Pacific Ocean.  There are sea lions, sea otters, and cougars in California.  There are many more animals, such as newts, salamanders, coyotes, and wolverines.  There are many ways that living in California would effect me.

Living in Florida

            I would love to live in Florida, but I would have to make a few changes to my lifestyle.  Since it is hot there I would have to buy new clothes so i’m not overheating all the time.  Hurricanes are known to hit there in the late summers, so I would have to prepare for that.  If I wanted to go to the beach I should buy a towel and some chairs.  April is a rainy month, so I do need an umbrella.  I would be geographically farther away from my family, so I would have to book dates to go see them.

South Korea

My name is Jacey and I live in America. My dad lived in Korea for a while when he was a little kid, so I thought I’d write about South Korea. I think South Korea is very geographically different than America, considering it’s halfway across the world from Korea. America has a lot of planes, but a big rocky mountain area to the west. Korea on the other hand, has a more level surface, but small mountains. So looking at this map and comparing it to a few others, geography is very different across the world.

Living in California-Brash

I would like to live in California. If I did there would be many ways its geography would affect me… Since it’s hot I would be wearing very summery clothing because the climate of California varies widely from hot desert to subarctic. Also I would be eating healthy things like salads,fruits,nuts. Also I would be eating seafood because fisherman bring more than 300 species of seafood to market each year.