Tag Archives: California

Living in California-Brash

I would like to live in California. If I did there would be many ways its geography would affect me… Since it’s hot I would be wearing very summery clothing because the climate of California varies widely from hot desert to subarctic. Also I would be eating healthy things like salads,fruits,nuts. Also I would be eating seafood because fisherman bring more than 300 species of seafood to market each year.

Living in California

I am living in San Francisco California. It’s such a beautiful place to live in and see. There are a lot of people to meet everywhere you look! The iconic Golden Gate Bridge is located here. There are many lakes and bays to swim in on hot days. When it is hot, I will have sunscreen. I will need to drink lots of water so I don’t get dehydrated. I will most likely be eating a lot of seafood. I would wear shorts all year because it’s usually really hot.

Living In California- A.Sadusky

The place that I am writing about is California. There are many Bays. I would often swim or go boating. I would wear shorts year round. They have nice weather there. There are natural disasters there a lot. There are mudslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, and The downside is it is very hot and I would have to pollute the environment by using air conditioners. I would probably be eating fresh seafood a lot. I would need a lot of water, to drink because it is very easy to get dehydrated in hot weather.

Living in California- ASharp


California basically has only two seasons. One is the summer and it is very hot and dry in that time. In the winter there are some cool evenings and mild rain. Living in California would impact my daily life because it is much more hot there than it is in Pennsylvania. I would most likely change most of my wardrobe to clothes more appropriate for the heat in California. For example, I would wear lighter clothing like tank tops or shorts.

Los Angeles, California is the second most popular city in the United States. This state would be much more crowded than what I am used to. The environment would be different because there would be more people at schools and it would be less healthy because there are more germs with more people.

I would change the geography by making it more of my lifestyle. If I could, I would make the climate more like a fall or spring weather. It would be warm and cool temperatures and some rainy or windy days. For the environment, I would try my best to make it healthier and to attend a school with not as many students but enough to get to know or meet different people.

Living in California-CHunsecker

To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.


To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.


To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.

Living in California-CLaudermilch


In California there are some lakes. California is bordered by the Pacific Ocean. California is in the temperate zone so it is warm. I will need water, good outside clothes depending on the season that we are in, money and live somewhere that has A/C. I will eat market food or seafood, and try to navigate my way around the state. There are over 39 million people in California so it is going to be very busy.



Living in California

Present Day in California

Today in California, I would probably go swimming in the ocean or a bay a lot because there is almost no lakes in California. I would probably live in an apartment with A/C because houses in California are kind of expensive. I would also visit Camp Pendleton because my dad was there when he was a marine.I would also go to visit a desert sometimes so I would probably need sunscreen. The weather in California in foggy in the morning and cool throughout the day. My daily life would be waking up early because the time in California is three hours behind the Pennsylvania time. I would probably go to bed earlier too. The ocean would also be colder for swimming. This would also increase my risk of an earthquake, so that’s a defect of living there.