Category Archives: Geography

Living in North America- MBrallier

In this blog i am going to be talking about North America. In North America there is a lot of water,so we can swim in the ocean and other parts of water. There are a lot of mountains,so we can climb them and go on adventures. There is a lot of land,so we can build more more homes. There are a lot of known oceans in North America,so we can swim in a ocean that i known. There are a lot of bays,so we have more places to fish. There aren’t many deserts there so it’s not as hot. When the winter comes it doesn’t snow a lot,so that means that we can save more money.

Living In North Carolina_ CJohnston

In North Carolina there is the Atlantic Ocean so I could go see some animals. The state bird is the cardinal so I could take pictures of some of them. There are also a couple rivers so I could go swimming. There is a beach that I could get a tan. There are mountains that I could take pictures of. Also, there is a plateau that I could have a picnic on. Last, there is a island that I could visit.

Living in Italy-K Zimmerman

 Italy’s Geography

I am talking about Italy in this writing. In Italy there is not many places to swim because of the lack of lakes except for the different seas that lay around Italy. In Italy depending to the season it would be hot in summer. In summer you would probably like to go swimming in the different seas (at least I would want to go swimming in the seas). You would probably eat seafood a lot like fish,and crabs, because oceans are on three sides of Italy. Depending on if you live in Rome you might eat a lot of PASTA!!! You would probably live above ground and have air conditioning for the summer and heat for the winter. In summer (depending on where you live in Italy) you would most likely go boating in the three seas around Italy. This is my writing about Italy.     

By Kaleb  Zimmerman

Living In Antarctica-LBurkman

Antarctica is a very unique place and is very different from our way of life. Antarctica has a very cold climate, so to stay warm people have to wear gloves, hats, and heavy coats. Also in Antarctica there is a lot of snow and ice, so people live in either igloos or tents. In Antarctica there are dangerous animals as well so people have to be very careful when walking around. There is a lot of water around Antarctica so people eat tons of seafood.

living in Australia- CGrady



In Australia temperatures can be hot which mean that you will need sunscreen, water, and a/c. Another thing is there’s not many lakes but you can swim in the ocean. There’s oceans, gulfs, bay which means they probably eat a lot of seafood.  In Australia their land forms are plains, hills, mountains, rain forest, and reefs. For animals they have wombats, Koala, kangaroos.

Living in Germany

In Germany, the lands are green and it’s all about the same size. Germany has a different time schedule than my own, so they also have cooler weathers. The lands get plenty of water and continue to grow fuller and greener. The lands stretch out far and only five mountains sit. There is plenty of rivers to fish from or take a quick swim, There’s also bodies of water that are used for that kind of task. The food in Germany are much similar as of things in Pennsylvania. Germany belongs to the West Germanic. Their language comes from, English, Dutch, and Frisian.

Living in Canada-GMcCarty

One place that would be fun to live in is Canada. I’ve always wanted to visit Canada and see all the pretty sights! Looking at a Physical map there looks like there are many oceans, bays, and rivers! I’m not sure what the weather is like in Canada but I think it’s cold most of the time. You probably wouldn’t want to swim but it could be fun to go on walks. There is a show I watch and they film it in Canada. It looks so nice and seems like a great town. Just looking at pictures all the land forms look beautiful. It would be fun to go on adventures with you family, friends, and pets. Three places that would be fun to visit is Toronto, Vancouver, and Niagara Falls! If you lived there you could do so many fun things! If the weather is cold you might want jackets, pants, hot chocolate, and you might want to stay warm inside. If it’s warm you could go to one of the lakes, bays or oceans. It would be a great adventure to live in Canada.