Category Archives: Geography

Living in France

In my map of France, I see that there are a lot of lakes along with the English Channel, Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean Sea. I would have a lot of places to swim if I went to France. The elevation seems to be just above or meeting sea level. There are mountains such as Mount Vennocux that would be fun to visit and explore. The mountain ranges are more to the South, however, so if I wanted to visit some mountains I would have to visit a place in the South. The weather seems to be very average in France, so it wouldn’t be too hot or too cold. It would be just right to do perfect everyday tasks such as taking a walk or going the the store without having to worry about the weather being so specific, that I wouldn’t be able to do those things.

Living in Japan

We would either have to get a translator or learn Japanese. Normally the climate is humid with warm summers and cool winters so i would have to bring more warmer clothes for the winter and more tee shirts for the summer and leave the windows closed for the AC in the summer when it gets hot out. There’s a lot of water around it so i would bring my bathing suits, sunscreen, and boogie board. I would also have to get used to the amount of people there and the large cities meaning i would live a bit farther from the city because i’m not that good in crowded places

Living in Sweden

9/19/2017        Alex Byrd


I wish to live in Sweden.Sweden has few big lakes, and some seas as well. It’s cold, and warm, and I should have a sweatshirt with me all the time.And maybe a swimming suit. Sweden has a little of the Atlantic Ocean, and two seas, as well as two gulfs. Bothnian Sea, Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland, and Gulf of Bothnia. Lynx so I will probably have to keep my food safe just in case the Lynxes want to steal it.(I could never hurt a lynx). I would also have to protect myself and my food in the winter from Arctic foxes, Wolves, Wolverines, Wild Boar, Bears, and Beavers.

Living in Australia

I want to go to Australia. There is not many lakes so I would have to swim in a ocean. It is hot since it is by the equator so I would have to wear sunscreen and drink a lot of water. There is a lot of unique wildlife that is not in many other places in the world. So I would have to eat unique things. There is a lot of wild animals so I need to be careful and safe about what I do. But besides all that Australia is awesome there is so much to see do hear and feel. You got the ocean all around you and mountains plains and deserts. There is a lot of animals which I love.

Living in Maine


This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.Kathryn Pierce        9-18-17         Period 5

Geography Impact

For the geography impact project I chose to do Maine, U.S.A! Maine is close to the Ocean so there is probably an abundant amount of seafood, it also has a lot of lakes so there are probably some freshwater fish. And in addition to the plentiful amount of freshwater fish they probably get, the lakes also provide a source of freshwater to drink. Maine is quite chilly though so I would probably want to have a safe warm house away from the bears and moose that are quite common. The moose would also be good to hunt  and save for food in the winter when it is too cold to hunt! Maine has many mountains as well so you could go on hikes or go climbing! In conclusion Maine is a good place for me to stay, Because I like the ocean, hiking, and cold weather!