Category Archives: Geography

Geography Post- SFox


August 13, 2020


I was left behind by my group 3 years ago, on a safari trip in Zimbabwe. They never came back for me. I had to learn to survive in the hot climate of africa, and it was not easy. I made my home in a cave close to a watering hole. But I soon found out that I had to move every couple weeks due to lack of water from the watering hole drying up. So every two or three weeks, I would pack up my things and move to another watering hole. After a year, I ended up just living in one cave that was halfway in the ground. I would then go out to a river or lake every other day to get water and dump it into a basin that I built and covering that with cloth so it did not dry up. It’s starting to get dark out, so I have to put the fence that I built up, so the lions cannot get in. I will write more tomorrow.

To live in Minnesota you have to have some sort of heating device in your house because the average temperature in Minnesota is 24 degrees in February.

A lot of lakes in the state so if you stay in the state for vacation and you want to go swimming you have to go to one of the lakes there.

What you would eat there is fish and land food there is a lot of fish there because of all the lakes.

You would have to watch out for wolves and bears because minnesota has a lot of those types of animals there.

Most of the state is above sea level.      

Living in Florida

            I would love to live in Florida, but I would have to make a few changes to my lifestyle.  Since it is hot there I would have to buy new clothes so i’m not overheating all the time.  Hurricanes are known to hit there in the late summers, so I would have to prepare for that.  If I wanted to go to the beach I should buy a towel and some chairs.  April is a rainy month, so I do need an umbrella.  I would be geographically farther away from my family, so I would have to book dates to go see them.

South Korea

My name is Jacey and I live in America. My dad lived in Korea for a while when he was a little kid, so I thought I’d write about South Korea. I think South Korea is very geographically different than America, considering it’s halfway across the world from Korea. America has a lot of planes, but a big rocky mountain area to the west. Korea on the other hand, has a more level surface, but small mountains. So looking at this map and comparing it to a few others, geography is very different across the world.

Geography-Gianna P

If I had to live in Italy and adapt to their lifestyle in order to survive I would learn to like tomato sauce more because tomato sauce is used in italian foods.  Another thing I would do to adapt is learn how to speak fluent italian. I could also learn about the history of things like buildings and culture. Next I would learn about any famous people that either live or lived in Italy. Finally I could buy things like shirts, pants, hats, ect. So I will have fashionable clothes for Italy.     This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

Living in California-Brash

I would like to live in California. If I did there would be many ways its geography would affect me… Since it’s hot I would be wearing very summery clothing because the climate of California varies widely from hot desert to subarctic. Also I would be eating healthy things like salads,fruits,nuts. Also I would be eating seafood because fisherman bring more than 300 species of seafood to market each year.

Living in Guatemala – ARissler

So imagine living in Guatemala, which is located 1,000 miles away from the equator. There are many mountains and hills in that area, so you pretty much live on a mountain or in a valley. Guatemala is 4921 feet above sea level. And the temperature there is at an average of  64 degrees Fahrenheit, although it varies with your altitude. Guatemala is a good place where the climate isn’t too hot or cold, or to dry or wet. Because of this you wouldn’t have to worry about excessive a/c or heating.

Image result for physical map of guatemala