Category Archives: Geography

Living in Australia-N. Zeiset

In Australia there is not a lot of lakes or rivers. Australia is close to the equator so a lot of people would normally live along the coast/edge of Australia because that is where the water is. They would tend to swim in  the oceans around them to cool off if the days get long and hot. Because Australia is one big island the way for the people to travel to and from Australia is by planes or by boats.On the map I found of Australia 1 inch = 600 miles and in America 1 inch can’t get you very far because of how big it is over here.

Living in South Africa- JMininger

You might wonder what South Africa is like, and what the people there need to live. Well I can tell you a little bit of their environment, and what it is like there. First of all South Africa does not have any lakes whatsoever. So they would have to go to the ocean if they wanted to get a nice swim in. Also because there are oceans surrounding part of South Africa they eat seafood. They also eat many other meats because around there area, there are many wild animals. That also means they need things to defend themselves against these wild animals when they come across one. Finally there are four different seasons, just like The United States of America, so you would need lots of close that are for different seasons in the year.

Geography’s Impact

Search for a physical map of a place that interests you. Add that image to your blog post. Then, imagine living in that place. How might the geography (including climate and environment) impact your daily life? How would you change the geography (including climate and environment) in order to survive?

Be as creative as you want! You can use any type of writing (story, poem, narrative, journal entry, informational/ expository, etc.) and have it set in any location or time period!

Before posting, make sure you put your post in the “Geography” category, and tag it “Geography” so students around the world can search for it!