All posts by wisetbl

Iceman Discovery-CWise

 As the sunset in the evening you could see the silhouette of someone lying in the ice. If you were to walk up to the person you would see a man lying there dead, with a wound in his left shoulder.

Let me tell you about how this happened. Hi my name is Otzi and I was walking through the woods on my way back from a hunting trip that was very successful when, I heard footsteps behind me. At first I thought it was just a deer or a little rabbit until, I heard whispering. I turned around and saw that it was a group of men that were from a tribe that my tribe didn’t get along with. As the leader recognized who I was they pulled out their weapons and looked like they were ready to strike. So I did the same I pulled out my arrows and my bow.

I then fought them. I managed to scare most of them off and the one that did stay I wounded. I was almost done with all of them when the leader snuck up behind me and sliced my hand. Right after that I shot him in the arm. I took this as an advantage and ran off into the forest knowing that more people would show up and start to come after me again.

  I was in the mountains when I noticed something was wrong. I felt like someone was following me, and sure enough when I looked back to check I saw someone in the distance with a bow and arrow trying to keep up to me. I started to move faster but I guess that didn’t help because I got shot in the left shoulder. Right after I got shot I felt myself go into shock, my heart raced, and I started to sweat even though I had on three layers. Then I heard someone,  thinking it might be someone that could help I tried to get there attention, but I soon realized that it was the person who had shot me. He came up to me and took the arrow out of my shoulder covering up his tracks.

  As I laid there in my final moments I thought of my family and how I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to them. I also thought about what I would become. Would I die here and be found later? Would I never be found and just be rotting? Will someone find me and bury me? I didn’t know. As the time went by it got harder to breath until I just stopped.

Living in Paris-CWise


    Image result for paris france on map

If I would go to Paris France I would live somewhere where there is A.C because it gets really hot in June. Also Paris is around 0-200 meters. There are a lot of rivers around Paris so I could swim in the rivers. I could also visit places like the Eiffel tower, The Louver, etc.  Lastly I could eat food like baguettes and steak-fries.