All posts by warfel

Otzi The Iceman’s Last Word- AWarfel

Dear Reader,


I know that soon I will be killed.  I am the leader of my tribe, therefore the tribe rivals are coming to kill me. I can hear them coming up the mountain.  3 days ago, there was a fight with them, and I’ve been running since then.  The only place I could to find to run is up the mountain.


I’ve been fighting the other tribe for 4 years now, and I’m still running from them trying not to get killed.  My hand is in terrible pain from earlier.  I was in a fight with the leader of the other tribe and he did a wristlock on me (which is a very powerful move to hurt somebody).


Even though it is snowy up on the mountain,  it is very hot.  I set off running in 3 layers of clothing.  And I feel very sick.  I’ve had a horrible pain in my stomach for a while now.   I decided I would stop and eat then so I ate some grains.   


I know I’m going to end up dying soon, knowing how I’ve been in horrible shape from stomach pain, I’ve been injured so many times in my life, and I’m in my mid-forties.  


The reason I’ve been arguing is because our tribe’s used to be one big tribe, and someone in there side of the family, killed my father.  That’s when, we became our own tribes and are now rivals.  


I know Jewiir, the leader of the other tribe, is going to kill me.  I’m not sure if I am prepared or not.  I have so many things I still wanted to accomplish in life, but I know I need to move on.


I’ve been climbing the mountain for a few hours now.  I know they are close behind.  I am honestly terrified.  I know I’m about to die.  I am just going to take a break.  I will hide behind a rock.  I cannot go any further, I am in so much pain.  


These are probably going to be some of my last words.  I wanted to die peacefully, but that’s not going to happen.  Before I die, I have to say something really important…. I realized that-


Otzi got shot by an arrow in the shoulder.  He was right.  Jewiir had killed him.  The tribe was right behind him.  They had accomplished what they wanted to for years.  


After a few years.. A few girls were up the mountain, found the Iceman, but have not found the letter, which probably isn’t even readable anymore, from laying in snow.  The letter might have been one of the ways to learn about what happened to Otzi, so hopefully, somebody will be able to find it, and know for sure what’s going on.

Living In Germany


I live in Pennsylvania.  I’ve always wanted to go to Germany.  I’ve been learning German so that would definitely help if I wanted to go there.  

My daily life in Germany (say if I was in the wild)  there would most likely be a lot of animals.  For example, hares, foxes, deer, and badgers.  Badgers can be vicious so I’d definitely need to find a place where to avoid them.  You could hunt deer (Which I would preferably not)

Fun facts about Germany

. In German the right way to say Germany is Deutschland.

. Germany has the largest economy in Europe.

. The capital of Germany is Berlin.  (Which is where I’d like to visit)

. The population in Germany was about 82 million in 2010.