All posts by paradi107



                                                           By: Kaitlyn P


As i bolted up the mountain snow and ice crunching under my boots and flying away from me. Small multiple footsteps followed behind me, my attackers holding bows and arrow in the palms of their hands. The last bit of deer and leafs I ate helping me stay in front of them just by the tiniest bit. Yells of rage and anger boomed behind me, echoing throughout the icy mountains.


I sat on top of a fallen down tree eating the last of the cooked deer I had in my backpack and a few plants i had gathered in the forest on my way to a nearby village over the mountains. I was a well respected leader for my village, even though some didn’t like that. My stomach ached and growled deeply as I held my chest in a bit of pain, but I kept eating. I needed to keep my strength up if i wanted to get to the village alive. The howl of the wind flew by, as my hair swept in all directions, sweeping back and forth every moment. I sighed a bit and got up, picking up my backpack and putting the rest of the plants away in my backpack, i picked up my bow and my ax and put my arrows in their holder and continued on. Night grew closer as I marched my way up the mountain again, taking very few minute breaks along the way to catch my tired breath.  I sighed a bit and kept walking, then i paused near the top seeing a cave like object I started to sprint towards the large rock and soon hid under it Like a dog cowering under doghouse in a storm. i put my hands in the insides of my clothes, trying to keep them from freezing over in the winds.


As night came over me like a blanket, a cold harsh blanket. I could hear the faint howls and screeches of animals in the distance. I picked up my ax and held onto it encase of any attackers. I sighed quietly and huddled in the corner of the rocks, my hands tucked in my clothes and my ax beside me. I slowly closed my eyes as i drifted asleep. A zip echoed through the air as crumbles of stone went near me, I jolted awake and turned my head quickly. The shaft of the arrow right near my face.  I jolted back away from the weapon as I heard the crumbling of snow with a yell booming throughout the mountain “ YOU TRAITOR HOW COULD YOU EVEN MADE A DEAL WITH THEM”multiple footsteps ran up the mountain right outside of the cave.


I quickly got up and grabbed all my supplies and started to run. I almost lost my footing on the snow and rock as I quickly ran. I quickly glanced behind me at my attackers. Seeings there faces I remembered them, they’re the blacksmiths from my village, my village. He growled a bit in his head at the thought, they were one of the others from the village who criticized the deal. The deal we had to keep our villages save, to protect each other.


As I kept running, the dear and plants I ate keeping my speed up, one of the last things i heard was a zip through the air and someone yelling “ DIE TRAITOR” and the sound of my own blood, dripping onto the white fluffy snow. I felt something horribly sharp go though my shoulder. I yelled in pain as i turned to see a arrow. Sweat started to drip down my forehead even though it was chilly as the arctic. I heard my heartbeat speed up as I was slowly beginning to die. I gave a scream in pain as my attackers kept running towards me. I the last thing i felt was being light headed and thinking i’m going to die here. I’m going to die. And I collapsed passed out. My head slamming into a rock sticking out of the snow, creating a massive hole in my head. The attackers quickly ran for the arrow and took it out. Blood flowing out of the wound onto the white snow staining it a horrible dark red. They left all my supplies and took off into the howling winds.


Living in Japan

We would either have to get a translator or learn Japanese. Normally the climate is humid with warm summers and cool winters so i would have to bring more warmer clothes for the winter and more tee shirts for the summer and leave the windows closed for the AC in the summer when it gets hot out. There’s a lot of water around it so i would bring my bathing suits, sunscreen, and boogie board. I would also have to get used to the amount of people there and the large cities meaning i would live a bit farther from the city because i’m not that good in crowded places