All posts by mattox

Ice Man – GMattox

Otzi’s Journey


Otzi’s  journey began in Southern  Italy.  When he was home he told his family that he was going to the mountains to see what is on top of the mountains. Otzi was a short little person, but very strong and smart. For his time he loved to hunt. He always had a copper axe with him and a flint knife. He had brown hair and was very tan. He always had splinters on his hands from using his bow and copper axe. He wanted to go because he had heard stories about it and how it was so cold that no one made it back. But Otzi thought that he can make it back. So then Otzi took off he first grabbed his tools he brought his copper axe, his bow, his arrows, and his flint knife. He first got a compass and knew that he had to head North. So he started to head North. On the first day he only walked he did not rest until it was night he then rest he built a tent and started a campfire and slept. Then the next day he kept on walking then he got hungry so then he got his bow and started to wait for a little while and saw a dear the deer was big and juicy.


So then he pulled back his bow and got the deer into his sights and let go of the string on the bow and  it hit the deer. He ate the deer raw, then he kept on walking for days and days until he got to Northern Italy and then he was heading to go up on the mountains. He passed a village one of the villagers asked where are you going? And he said “I am going to the top of the mountains. The villager said that “No one ever came back who ever went up that mountain. The village says that there is a man who protects that mountain and if anyone tries to reach the top he will kill you.”


 Then Otzi said “Thank you for telling mean I will make back down though without being dead.” So then Otzi began his journey up the mountain he began to get hungry climbing up the mountain. So then he set up a trap and a fire for the night.  Then the next day he caught a animal it was a Alpine Marriott he got his copper axe and hit the animal. He then ate the animal.  Then Otzi kept on walking and it got into a snow storm it was hard to get through it you could not see or hear anything but, Otzi still kept on walking then the storm cleared  Otzi kept on walking then he saw the man the villagers talked to him about. Otzi ran until he could not see that man anymore.


Then Otzi kept on walking and he was getting closer and closer by each step to the top. So then Otzi began to reach the top and then he made it to the top then he got his foot stuck in one of the rocks. So then Otzi began to pull his foot out of the rocks to get to the top. So then Otzi got his foot free and kept on walking. Then he finally made it to the top. He said “ It was like looking into Heaven.” So then Otzi was coming down and stayed to rest at a ledge. Then the next day he was going back down and then a silent sound went right past his ear it was faster than lighting! Then he saw his ear cut and bleeding. Then he jumped down and broke his leg trying to land. Then he tried to run and run but more and more pain just came to his body. Then he tripped on a rock and dropped some of his items so then, Otzi got his bow and started to shoot the bow at random places and then he ran out of arrows so he threw his bow. Then he tried to throw his knife. Then he ran out of stuff to through then he tried to crawl when Otzi was crawling he thought “I should have just turned around and went home.”, but then a arrow got into the back of his head.  This is how Otzi died this is the end of his story of his life of how he died.