All posts by mastetl

Iceman KMast

What happen to the Iceman? Iceman was in his 40s, and he was small. He lived in the northern part of Italy. He was cold and he put on three layers of clothing. He got into a huge fight with an enemy, the fight was about who would get a village. They both hurt each other and the Iceman ended up with a hurt arm. The other guy got even madder because he did not get the village. The iceman knew that because he got the village the other guy would come after him. He ran as fast as he could. He climbed a mountain. He got hungry so he had a deer. Then he got hungry again and he ate a goat and bread he had with him. Since he was running as fast as he could he got a stomach ache. Just as bad as the sickness he got 6 months ago when the family all came to see him. He didn’t have the best health so people would give him food to eat a lot.  He was tired so he took a break. He made weapons because he might have to use something to defend himself against the other person. He tried to make them,but time was running out he had to keep going. He had tools with him so that he could work on the weapons that he wanted to make. He had a copper ax to defend himself,but didn’t think that would be all he needed. He ran and found a rock he could sit on,but was it too late? All the sudden he saw a man standing throw his right eye,but he couldn’t go fast enough. The guy had an arrow,and quickly shot him in the solder just like how they shot animals. Then he bled and got sweaty and went into shock,then he passed out and died. The bad person took the arrow out when he was died.



I want to go to texas. It would be hot so I would need a lot of water and sometimes I might not be allowed to play outside for this reason. I would change the geography to not as hot. I would change that it could be cold for a day or 2 and snow. I would change that there are more rivers and creeks to swim in,too.