All posts by hurstt997


Hi i am the iceman so i was a so you what to know what happen to me. So one morning i woke up from a pound on my door. Then they brook my door and said don’t try to be our leader. Why not? I asked and they said we will make sure of that. Then they left. So then i walk out thought my broken door and then i got hit. On my hand and started to bleed.then i ran i lost them so i when back to my house and i started packing. I brought supplies and left for my cabin in alps mountains i stared run stopping and starting listening for footsteps. I starting to hunt for food. I ate .then i started again run. I heard footsteps so i hided from them behind a rock . boom i got hit from behind i was in pain i knew the the people that wanted me dead got me the people that were paid to kill me from ken.they want me dead because he thought i would ruin everything at leater. So that’s why i was killed.    

living in Alaska

Alaska climate is very cold so i would live underground where is warm because it is away 55f or if i had a house with heat the I could live in that too. Alaska geography has a good amount of mountain ranges so i would have to hike the if i wanted to get to the other side of it .also what i would eat is a lot of fish because Alaska is surrounded by water.also there is a lot of bears in Alaska the could hurt me or i could eat me.another great thing there is a lot of rivers for freshwater for me to live there.