All posts by hunsecke

Otzi’s (Ice Man) Story-CHunsecker

Otzi was an older man in his mid-40’s living in Northern Italy. He had 3 diseases, a parasite that made him have stomach aches and in general was not in good health. On top of that, he was a very rich man that was hated by everyone in his village. Everyone hated Otzi because he had everything he wanted in life and everyone was jealous of him. Because everyone was jealous of him, some of the village members that he lived with, tried to steal his belongings from him and the result would end up in a fight. Otzi would most of the time end up with hurt hands and would feel very disrespected. Otzi knew that he would be killed for what he has if he doesn’t get out of him village that he lived at all his life and move somewhere far away.

In mid-spring, he packed all his valuable things and the essentials, which included of a copper axe, an unfinished bow and arrows. He waited till around 1:00 a.m. because he didn’t want to risk being caught past the village curfew and set on his way. When he was at the bottom of the mountain to start his journey, 2 of his worst village enemies saw him and started to come after him. Otzi was terrified and started running up the mountain. He ran as fast as he could but his heavy bag and his sicknesses slowed him down. At one point he decided that he lost the 2 other villagers and sat down to get some rest. In the morning, his stomach growled and was hurting more than ever before. So he set off looking for some taste food that can get his energy back up. He looked and looked for something to kill until he found the perfect thing, a deer. He killed the deer, ate it and started to walk again.

Otzi climbed for days until he got to the top of the mountain, and rested for a few days in a cave. One day, he was standing outside of the cave, wondering where he should go to make a new home. In a blitz second, he was on the ground. One of the 2 village enemies shot an arrow from behind into his shoulder. The arrow hit one of Otzi’s important arteries in his shoulder. Bleeding in his shoulder increased, his heart rate changed, he started to sweat profusely and then passed out. The villager came up to his after he passed out and hit his on the head with a rock so that he would definitely be dead. The villager ran off leaving his body to freeze, and telling everyone in the village that he just ran off, and would never be seen again.

Living in California-CHunsecker

To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.


To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.


To live in California, you may have to change the way you live on a daily basis than if for instance you lived in Pennsylvania. In California it is pretty hot in the summer, so you would probably need air conditioned homes and sun block for when you are outside. There is also not very many lakes, so most people would probably swim in the Pacific Ocean. California is at the coast so people that live there probably eat seafood and animals that live on the beach. There is also the Sierra Nevada mountain range, so if some people don’t want to live right at the coast, you can live in the mountains. Sierra Nevada has hot and dry summers but has cool and wet winters. If I would change anything about the geography in California, I would change how dry and hot the summers are. It doesn’t really rain a lot in the summer, so it would be better for the environment if it rained more. I would also change what kind of food they eat. I am not a person who eats seafood so I would change the kind of food they have to eat.