All posts by goodshj

Iceman’s Life- MGood

Iceman Story

This story will explain the Iceman’s life up until his death. First, I know that the Iceman was running away from someone who was trying to kill him. This led the Iceman into the Austrian Alps. The Iceman was later killed in the Alps the man chasing him.

Today, scientists have discovered the Iceman and researched him. During their research, they did an x-ray and uncovered an arrow tip in the Iceman’s left shoulder. The scientists discovered that the Iceman was shot by an arrow and later bled to death.

This man apparently only lived to be about forty years old. The Iceman’s body was found at about six-thousand feet up in the Austrian Alps. The Iceman also had other health problems. Such as a cut in his hand that was healing, stomach pains, and he also suffered from three different diseases.

The Iceman only lived six months after he was later shot and killed by a tribe member or an enemy. The Iceman was also a person of importance. When the Iceman was found, he was found with a lot of unfinished weapons. Some of them were, two finished arrows, twelve unfinished arrows, a copper axe, a small dagger, his three layers of clothing, and a bunch of other tools. When the Iceman’s body was found, he was found with a hole in the back of his head.

Before the Iceman died, he ate, deer, goat, plants, and grains. The man who shot the Iceman is still unknown, however, we do that the attacker took the arrow out of the Iceman that he shot him with, leaving the arrow tip in his shoulder and leaving all of the Iceman’s valuable tools.

When the Iceman died, he also had a parasites egg in his stomach, causing major stomach pains/cramps. The Iceman lived between 2000-3000 B.C.E. Today, scientists can say that we have collected, learned, and discovered new information about the Iceman.


Living in California

Present Day in California

Today in California, I would probably go swimming in the ocean or a bay a lot because there is almost no lakes in California. I would probably live in an apartment with A/C because houses in California are kind of expensive. I would also visit Camp Pendleton because my dad was there when he was a marine.I would also go to visit a desert sometimes so I would probably need sunscreen. The weather in California in foggy in the morning and cool throughout the day. My daily life would be waking up early because the time in California is three hours behind the Pennsylvania time. I would probably go to bed earlier too. The ocean would also be colder for swimming. This would also increase my risk of an earthquake, so that’s a defect of living there.