All posts by franco2l4

The Iceman’s Life and Death- GFranco

Otzi, also known a the Iceman, was climbing up the alps because a political argument had led to people wanting to assassinate him. He ran up the steep mountain checking periodically to see if the killer was following him. In the spring, trees release a pollen that covered the Iceman as he took breaks to eat and rest. He had used all of his finished arrows and had a quiver filled with unfinished arrows and an unfinished bow. He carried a copper axe with him also. He was quickly trekking up the mountain with three layers of clothing even though it was in the spring. He was going up the hill as a small mid 40s man who wasn’t very healthy. He felt sick because he had a parasite with a side effect of stomach aches in the last 6 months of his life. When he got tired, he stopped and ate deer, goat, plants, and grains. The Iceman died a very quick death. He was murdered from behind with an arrow to the shoulder. The killer took the arrow but left all of the tools and the arrowhead lodged in his left shoulder. Someone had killed him because of an unknown argument. When the killer shot him, he went into shock. He lost consciousness, his heart rate with up dramatically and he sweat badly. He died from blood loss. Traces of Hornbeam pollen found on him, his clothing, and his items mean that he died in the spring. He was found with a hole in the back of his skull. He was found thousands of years later in a little ditch at his final resting place on Earth.

Living in California

I am living in San Francisco California. It’s such a beautiful place to live in and see. There are a lot of people to meet everywhere you look! The iconic Golden Gate Bridge is located here. There are many lakes and bays to swim in on hot days. When it is hot, I will have sunscreen. I will need to drink lots of water so I don’t get dehydrated. I will most likely be eating a lot of seafood. I would wear shorts all year because it’s usually really hot.