All posts by Alex

The Iceman’s Death- A. Byrd

The Attack

As, I traveled up the snowy slope, stopping now and then when I hear Otzi stop and rest. I sat down on a rock sharpening my arrow head on another rock. I better start getting ready, I thought. I gathered my things and took a deep breath. Let’s do this. I walked up the slope as quietly as I could, not making a single sound. My head was throbbing from the fight before.  I walked confidently to the stone hollow and crouched down ready to strike. I pulled out my bow and arrow and stook my aim. As Otzi stopped, I pulled the arrow back and fired. The arrow hit Otzi right in the artery right where I wanted it to be. He cried out in pain, and I ran as quietly as I could. I ran for a mile and took a break. I found some shelter and fell asleep…….



I had been walking a little while. Now and then I would feel the throbbing sensation in my hand from my wound. I had been in a fight with someone I couldn’t tell who he or she was. I looked at my hand and saw a red line cutting through my pale skin. I sighed and I kept on walking on and on and on. Until, I found a a stone hollow that shielded me from the cold, harsh wind. I started to pull off my backpack and took a drink from my birch canister. I pulled my flint dagger out of my belt. My stomach started to hurt. I groaned and  started to kneel down in pain. I heard someone behind me, but I was too tired and in pain to notice. I heard something wizz behind me and hit me right in my shoulder. I cried out in pain and tumbled to the ground. I felt something warm and sticky through my winter furs. Will I ever make it back home? I thought. I started to panic. As I sat up shakily and put some snow on my shoulder. I pulled out my flint dagger weakly. I looked at it and saw my reflection. Please, I have to keep going. I prayed silently. I can’t leave now. Then everything went BLACK……..


The Attacker

I ran down the snowy slope and almost slipped on a patch of ice. I can’t believe what I just did I thought. Now I must wait for him to die. I sat down in my little shelter, and made a small fire. I figured since I shot him in the artery he’s not going to make it far. Especially when he is bleeding to death. After about an hour and a half of waiting. The half was just in case he wasn’t completely dead. I kicked some snow on the fire and waiting until it dies out. I quietly made it up the slope careful not to awake any mountain lions. It was dusk out, and I could see a little but it’s going to get dark soon. And fast. I made my way up the slope walking quietly and fast. I saw a slumped figure on the ground. I walked closer and closer. I stepped in something sticky. I almost threw up. I knew what that was. Blood. I found my arrow deeply driven into his artery. I took out the arrow and left the arrow head. I heard a roar from a mountain lion and made a run for it. I was about to steal all of his belongings. My life or live. Live. I ran for my life….. Never to be seen from again……..


We will never know who was Otzi’s attacker or why he was killed. Maybe he was important? Who was he? Was he a leader? Why did he have a hand wound? Was he in a fight? Why was he even in the fight in the first place? Why was he in the mountains? Where was he going? What was he looking for? A village? A female? Food? Shelter? We may never know…….. But until we do know all we can do is study, make predictions, and continue to question Otzi.

Living in Sweden

9/19/2017        Alex Byrd


I wish to live in Sweden.Sweden has few big lakes, and some seas as well. It’s cold, and warm, and I should have a sweatshirt with me all the time.And maybe a swimming suit. Sweden has a little of the Atlantic Ocean, and two seas, as well as two gulfs. Bothnian Sea, Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland, and Gulf of Bothnia. Lynx so I will probably have to keep my food safe just in case the Lynxes want to steal it.(I could never hurt a lynx). I would also have to protect myself and my food in the winter from Arctic foxes, Wolves, Wolverines, Wild Boar, Bears, and Beavers.