All posts by burrellqqp

Iceman-T Burrell


In early spring, a small man in his mid 40s, that we now know as “iceman”(Otzi)was climbing a mountain that we now know as the Alps, Located in Northern Italy, in 8000 B.C.E.   Before Otzi  reached the mountain he got in a fight with a fellow member of his clan member over how he was leading his clan and injured his hand.  He was on his way up the mountain looking for any resources he could use to make a shelter, hurrying along the way, hoping he was not being followed up the icy Alps. This man was not armed,  he had 3 layers of clothing. Before he reached the peak of the mountain he stopped at 3,500 feet up the mountain,  to eat deer and grains, staying out of sight, so if anyone was following him, they could not find him too easily. He then continued his journey up the mountain very rapidly finishing the other 3,500 feet, and reaching the peak of the 6,500 foot mountain in 3 hours. He was then setting up his shelter for the night, when he suddenly heard the bushes around him begin to create fairly annoying noises. And he was suddenly shot by his fellow clan member with an arrow right under the shoulder blade and into his artery. He then, went into shock he passed out, hit his head on a rock, his heart rate increased, he was rapidly sweating, and he had severe blood loss from the arrow going clean through his bone and hitting an artery directly under his shoulder blade.

Living in Egypt

My name is Theodore, and I live in Pennsylvania. I would like to visit Egypt, from this physical map I can see that Egypt has many high mountains that I could peer off of to have a better view of Egypt. I also see that it has pretty many bodies of water that I could swim in, since it’s very hot in Egypt. Egypt looks to have many plateaus and and non level ground which I could hike up with hiking gear. Since Egypt is very hot I would need sunscreen, lots of water, and a house with a/c so I could cool down after being in the hot sun all day. I hope to be able to visit Egypt and learn many things about it, if I ever got the chance to go to this amazing place, I bet I would have so much fun and enjoy every last moment of the thrilling experience in Egypt!