All posts by boyerlyw

The Unknown Death of Iceman- K Boyer

Have you ever thought how Iceman met his end? First let me explain who this funny named guy is. Iceman was a man found in the Alps of Italy, he was completely frozen and in some type of crevasse. His body was preserved though, his skin was leathery and there weren’t maggots eating out his in sides. He did though have a strange hole in the back of head and a triangular shaped pieces in his shoulder blade.

Scientist took him in and examined his body, the thing in left shoulder blade was a stone arrow head. Iceman was equipped with all kinds of things. A bow, arrows some finished some not, a belt, some bowls, and a copper axe. That is what really stood out, if he would of died recently he would of had more modern day stuff. Like a gun and a machete. Not a copper axe, he was probably living in the Copper Age. Which is around 4500 B.C.E and 3500 B.C.E

The cave he was found in might of been his temporary shelter. Back then Iceman might have lived in a tribe, but he and another guy(s) may of got in a fight. That’s probably why he had a wounded hand. He then fled to the mountains, and there he found the cave for safety. The guy(s) he fought wanted to end what they started, and ran after him. Iceman may not have known that there were two entry points to the cave. One of the guy(s) may have shot him with an arrow in the underneath the shoulder blade. A shot to the shoulder blade is almost always an instant death. The guys then wanted erase their tracks, and took the arrow out of his shoulder. And maybe stabbed iceman in the back of his head with a knife. Just to make sure he is dead.

That is how I think Iceman met his end, you may think otherwise though. I did have a lot of description in there.

Living in Florida

            I would love to live in Florida, but I would have to make a few changes to my lifestyle.  Since it is hot there I would have to buy new clothes so i’m not overheating all the time.  Hurricanes are known to hit there in the late summers, so I would have to prepare for that.  If I wanted to go to the beach I should buy a towel and some chairs.  April is a rainy month, so I do need an umbrella.  I would be geographically farther away from my family, so I would have to book dates to go see them.