The Story of the Iceman-CLaudermilch

The story of the Iceman


The Iceman was a short small man about in his mid 40s and was exploring the area around him. He was a very unhealthy person and had three different diseases at the time. When scientist found him he had three layers of clothes with him, unfinished arrows, an unfinished bow and a copper axe. Since the Iceman had a copper axe with him that indicated that he was a very important person.

In the time that he was alive he ate wheat, deer and goat. He also made bread and used a fire to cook food. It was in the spring that he had died and we think we know how he died.

The Iceman has been murdered. We don’t know who or what murdered him but when scientist found him there was an arrowhead lodged in his left shoulder that means that the shooter was behind him. The arrowhead cut through one of his intestines and cause him to bleed uncontrollably. He went into a shock. His heartbeat increased and sweat was dripping down his body. He then passed out and died. After about a day the murderer came back and pulled the arrow out of the Iceman’s shoulder so then when people would find him they wouldn’t know who it was who shot him.

There are many different beliefs about the Iceman’s death. This is what scientist think happened. Now what’s your theory?  

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