The Iceman’s life- JPatton

The Iceman’s Life


Otzi the iceman was a small man in his mid 40s, and not very healthy. Otzi had three different diseases that would give him major stomach pains and more. You could call Otzi a VIP living in the neolithic time period. He is a VIP because he had well made tools and equipment including a knife, fanny pack with materials, a bow and quiver with unmade arrows, and a copper axe which is extremely valuable in this period of time.


Some things about Otzi were very odd. The things about Otzi that was odd is his death, and the crime scene. Many people believe Otzi was murdered, and the evidence support this conclusion as well.  Evidence shows that he was shot by an arrow in his left shoulder which in this case the killer would have to be placed behind Otzi. That particular spot is a perfect shot for a kill, if hunting game. At this point Otzi the iceman was suffering from shock and was bleeding out fast. The arrow that was shot into the man was then removed, covering the killers tracks. Today no one knows why he was killed because the killer didn’t take any valuables, including the copper axe. Otzi also had a strange hole in the back of his head.


There are still many questions about the iceman, but for right now that is all what we know.

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