The Iceman’s last hours- Terra Kling

The iceman was a forty year old man who has suffered many illnesses and kept his grip. He was a small elder and his job was very important. He had many honors and was most likely one of the highest ranked men in his group. He had three layers of clothing on and was wrapped up for the cold snowy mountains he set off to go in.


I set out having many full weapons from my camp to help me. I now had to take matters into my own hands. I was set out to kill the people who had killed the little ones in my camp. They were now under attack. I had a bow I was working on in the meantime and arrows I was finishing up. My daggered helped me hunt for any lost animals.


The iceman had many diseases and suffered so very often. He still kept his word to fight off the men who betrayed their trust. Most likely the indians as we suspect, But there was also i hint of annoyance and jealousy so we also might suspect that his own villagers were up to this. He had weapons with him including an axe, daggers, bows and arrows, etc. He was asked to stay hidden so he used his background knowledge and stayed in an old high mountain.


I hiked steadily watching each and every step I took to get up the icy hill. My shoes helped me so I didn’t slip all the way down, but I was very visible from my clothing being so dark from animal fur. I quickly approached my resting point and made camp. I stayed in a narrow indent in the mountain. It was big enough for about five people. Quietly I gathered wood to make fire and rested a fixing up anything that wasn’t done.


The iceman continued to remake any weapons that had broken or that have not done what intended. He made camp by himself of the Alps mountain, and stayed put there. His bad health was catching up to him. His stomach not happy at all but beaten the poor old man down. His clothing did keep him warm as much as they could, sense he had the finest fur to wear.


I came face to face with one of the men who brutally attacked my little ones. He glared at me and swung giving me a painful swollen eye. I fought back wounding my hands and he scattered away running back for camp. I quickly made sure I was not visible and prayed no more attacks would come.  My head was pounding and I could hear my heartbeat every two seconds. I was getting sicker as I stayed high up here with little oxygen.


His village was now coming up to the mountain too, only sending one man up with a full mask on to finish the job. They sacrifice their little ones just to finish the job of the elder, they wanted control now. They finally had enough of this elder leading.


I heard noises outside near the trees just above the edge that was my roofing in the cave. I grabbed my axe and my knife  sliding it through my pocket, and headed out looking for what was going on. I walked down the mountain a bit, clutching the axe in my hands and I felt a piercing feeling go through my shoulder. I screamed for help and held my shoulder that was now bleeding rapidly. The pain was so excruciating I couldn’t bare. I fell immediately and I heard men laughing. Blood seeped through all my clothes and soon I could see red snow laying next to me. I watched as two men smiled walking to me and one lifted my head shoving something sharp down the middle and my eyes closed.  The last sounds I heard were the elk calling, and the laughter of the evil men. Then the last beat of my heart thumped through my ears.


The iceman stopped breathing and laid there with blood continuing to fall down from his soulless body. The two men carried the elder down in the cave where he made his things. His weapons were left and now there was a new leader in the village. Forever the Iceman lost in their concern. Except many, many years later where college students found the remains of the Iceman’s belongings and himself. His skin was all leathery and yellow, and he had almost nothing left but his bones. Now Scientists have encountered more information by the weapons he carried and the problems with his bones, they’ve gathered more facts and now there is stories about the poor Iceman.





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