The Iceman – K Heist

Have you heard of the Iceman? Well I’m here to tell you about his story, but first you need to know what happened in 1991. One day there were trekkers going up the mountain, they found a cave and wanted to see what was inside. When they walked in they saw something that looked like an old doll, they soon found that it was a human skeleton with leathery skin, almost like a mummy. The skull was frozen over and the man’s stuff was scattered all over the floor. Scientists wanted to know more about this iceman, so they started some research.

The ice man’s name was Otzi. The man’s name probably wasn’t Otzi, but hikers found the man not knowing his name, so they decided to name him in honor of the mountain he was found on. He was a short elderly from the Neolithic period. The Neolithic period was between 10000 BCE to 2000 BCE, which was a very long time ago. BCE means Before Common Era, we are in CE, Common Era, now in the 2000’s.

Otzi was found with many tools scattered around him after he died. Some of the items include half finished arrows, a fire kit, an axe, and a knife. Although he does have weapons, Otzi didn’t have many. He was found wearing three layers of cloth. They say he died in the springtime 6500 feet high on a mountain south of the alps. Scientists wanted to know more about him, so they did some tests on his stomach. After the tests were done they found that the man was not healthy and went through 3 episodes of disease. He in fact had a stomach illness. They also found that he had eaten goat, vegetables, grains, and other meats before he died.

When the iceman died they found a hole in the back of his head. They believed he was murdered, but they didn’t know how at first. They later found an arrowhead in his left shoulder, the stick of the arrow could not be found in the cave though, so they think the person that killed the iceman probably took it out to leave no tracks, but what the murderer didn’t know was that he had left the arrowhead in the ice man’s shoulder. Due to the arrow being in his shoulder, he went into shock and lost consciousness because the arrow cause massive bleeding and stopped the blood flow. They know he died quickly in the high mountains. This is what they believed happened, they could be wrong.

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