Otzi the ice man-EHamer

The snow was melting. The flowers were starting to come out as winter was melting away. If you haven’t guessed already it was springtime in northern italy. Otzi the iceman was on a journey up north and he probably knew he was a little unprepared with weapons but didn’t think that he would need them. He had with him a flint dagger in his wooden scabbard, an unfinished bow, one quiver with 2 finished arrows and 12 not finished, a wooden backpack frame, a fanny pack carrying 2 pieces of flint, and wood stick that looks like a pencil with deer antler, a grass string, and a needle made from bone. Also he had some food including mushrooms tied onto a wooden stick and berries and pieces of antelope meat, a leather tassel with a marble bead, a net, and probably the most valuable at the time, a copper axe. His tools seemed to be in good shape, and because of his copper axe, we guessed that he was a very important person. Little did he know that he would never get to wherever he was going alive.


Before his journey up north, he seemed to have eaten some deer, a little bit of grains and some goat. Before he had died he was already suffering from 3 dieses so it was probably hard for him to go on his journey. He was also wearing 3 layers of cloths and even though he was underarmed, he probably felt it was necessary to pack light because of the big journey.


When he came up to the rockies, we predicted that he decided to take a quick break because he was getting very tired. There was some crackling coming from behind when suddenly, there was something sharp piercing through the back of his left shoulder. It was an arrow. Blood started gushing out and soon he was losing consciousness. He was getting drowsy. Because of the major blood loss, our guess is that he went into shock. Some of the symptoms were getting extremely sweaty, and his head and my heart were pounded intensely. He would get cold and clammy and extremely weak, when he fell forward and everything turned black. If you haven’t noticed already, that’s when he died. After all that had happened, the murder had pulled out the arrow because there were markings on the arrow head and if someone found the dead body, they would know who did it.


Many years later like about 10,000, me and my friends were hiking and we found his  bones and looked through his stuff. He seemed to have a lot of valuable tools so that means that he was very important at the time but due to his discovery now he is still very famous. As you can see the topic of Otzi the iceman still has some gaps to fill, but over all we do know one thing. It was a pretty incredible story.

8 thoughts on “Otzi the ice man-EHamer”

  1. You did a great job with adding detail, you added specific words.
    I wish you would have told something more to your point of view, what you thought happened.
    I would also like to know how the arrow was in his shoulder, did the killer stab him or did he shoot the arrow into the shoulder?
    Overall I really like your story, detail, and format.?

  2. You did a great job with writing your story. I love how you put it as if you and your friends were the explorers. I wish you would have used a little more of a variety of words because I noticed you repeated some phrases. Why was he shot?

  3. You did a great job on organizing the text.
    You would have been more descriptive when you found the body.
    How did the people react when they found the body.

  4. You did a great job on telling the supplies that Iceman had with him like the ax and arrows. I wish you would have expanded more specifically where you think he was going other that north. What if he new he what being hunted would that change your story at all?

  5. I really liked your story it was really capturing, you did a really nice job with how you worded your story and all of your amazing transition words. I wish you would have edited it more and fixed the misspelled words. Why did you decide to tell the story in first person? I really like the way that you did that.

  6. You did a great job with describing what he had with him.
    I wish you would have maybe given some detail as to why he was traveling even if you had to make it up.
    How did you come up with some of the details that you wrote about?

  7. One Star: You did a great job with very well explaining how he died.
    One Wish: I wish you would have added maybe like why he was going up there.
    One Wonder: What if your friends and you hadn’t gone hiking up there?

  8. You did a great job with your third person view.

    I wish you would have put the story in chronological order.

    Why was he running from people?

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