J, Stoudt Iceman Tale

Iceman Tale

By: James T. Stoudt


I was in a fight in a village that I came across while hiking. I took a job as a hunter and helped another guy who’s name was mike hunt. I was basically the supplies carrier. One day I asked Mike if I could hunt as well while I was carrying the supplies. He Said “Sure, maybe I could carry the supplies I mean I do need a break from looking down a sight on a bow”. “Ok thankyou” I said. I decided to go to the mountains to hunt and I cut my hand carrying the supplies one time so it was difficult, but when we got there another person with a bow shot me and him. He fled and I fled, both in different directions. I went through the mountains and Mike went to the town. The man followed me I could tell because I could hear him shouting “Hold Still!!” as I ran I saw a Ditch in a glacier. I quickly as fast as I could turn to it and jump down. I started digging then he found me. He bashed me on the head. As I was fainting away I saw him. It was the guy I was fighting with. Then he slowly walked away as I held my last breath.

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