Iceman-The Mystery of his life and Death-EHoffman

No one knows what happened to the iceman. Some think it was a myth. But some people are trying to actually figure out what happened.

One day a few hikers were hiking the Otztal Alps in Northern Italy. They found a part of something sticking up out of the ground, as they dug they started uncovering something of what looked like a skeleton.  Otzi was a man in is mid forties he was believed to have been a small man as well. Otzi seemed to have had three layers of clothing and tough, durable bearskin shoes.


Otzi was believed to have come from Northern Italy in the base of the mountains. It is believed to have been in the springtime when the hornblossams were blooming in the deciduous forests. He brought with him a wooden flint tipped dagger and carried a copper ax which showed much importance. Based on what scientists have found in his intestines they believe that he had deer and cereals for his last meal, they also found flake of wheat and charcoal.


We don’t know why the iceman had all of the unfinished tools on him. We believe that he hurried up into the mountains and didn’t have time to make his bow and arrow. They found a roughly shaped stalk of yew and a leather unfinished quiver for holding his arrows.


The iceman was believed to have been in a fight with someone and that is the person who murdered him. They found a wound on his hand that had healed a little bit but not completely, that is believed to have been from a few days before he was killed. He was killed from behind which means that someone was most likely following him up the mountain. People have been trying to figure out who killed him but no one can.


When we found him he had a hole in his skeleton but no one quite knows what that is from. When they X-Rayed him they found a little piece of what looked like an arrow head. Apparently the arrow hit the main artery in his left shoulder and that is what killed him. He went into shock which means that his heart started racing he sweat through his clothes and went unconscious. How he died was he bled out. In conclusion Otzi the iceman is a mystery to some but overall is a very interesting and breathtaking story.


5 thoughts on “Iceman-The Mystery of his life and Death-EHoffman”

  1. Very nice story, i liked when you described the fact that scientists are still trying to find out about the iceman. Though you did have a few spelling mistakes so i recommend reading over your story a couple times to make sure its good. Why did you include the three layers of clothing, did it have any importance to the story?

  2. You did a great job with explaining how he died. I wish you would have explained maybe why they where fighting. Why did they follow him up the mountain and kill him? But your story was great.

  3. I liked how you gave a good description of his life. I would have liked if you told us where the hole in his head was. What if people weren’t following him, but noticed him as the people were hiking?

  4. You did really good with being specific about the things you wrote about. I have one question though why do you think they were fighting?

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