Iceman Narrative G. Smeltz

I was a hunter who had got into a few fights before and had gained many enemies who were out to kill and my name was Otzi. I was a small man that was well non by many people my prove of that is the copper axe that was given to me by the leader of my tribe. I was in my mid 40’s as I began to flee into the mountains that I would never come down from.  I reached the base of the mountains and began my 6,500 foot hike up the mountain.

It all started when I had taken some supplies from my enemy. I had come from their town which was about 3 miles east of the mountains and that is where I had taken the supplies and given the shopkeeper fake money. He soon figured out that it was fake and sent someone out to kill me and that is when I started my hike up the mountain. I used the rocks and other ice chunks to help protect me or give me shade from the wind. Little did I know that not that far behind me was a person that would end my life. If I hadn’t taken his tools and then giving him fake money for them I may not have been in such a rush and hurry to get to the safety of the mountains.I was having terrible stomach pains that no one could identify or knew about, I knew something was wrong though and it was slowing me down. I was walking along the mountain going faster than a normal hiker would “yet slower than I wanted to”.

Then all of the sudden an arrow pierced through my skin and right into my shoulder blade and my arterie. I instantly started bleeding and started to feel nauseous I turned around to see the man I had stolen the axe from and with all of the energy I had left I do something that would leave scientists wondering for a very long time.

I hid my ax along with all of my other things in the snow with my good side and luckily for me there was a hole that I could hide all of my stuff in before he got to me. Just as I finished hiding the stuff I blacked out never to wake up again.

That is the story of the life of the Iceman that scientists are still observing and studying and are confused about what actually happened on that day long long ago.

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