Iceman life/death-Amartin

I am Iceman I was a very important man an but now I was like an animal being hunted by hunters. Being a very important man I could do lots of thing and I made a very bad decision and now I was being hunted. I was going to the village to fix the mistake I made and get help because I was sick. I was running through the woods that I new very well from hunting. When I came out of the woods I started to climb a mountain the first one thousand feet were easy just a gradual climb. Then it got tricky at some parts it was almost straight up and I had no climbing gear to help me. The hunters were right behind me to so if I made one mistake I would be killed. Now I was in the snow part and it was extremely hard because it was what I was on except It had ice everywhere.  

I had three layers of cloth on the keep warm and it was hard climbing with three layers of cloth  but with my hunters right behind my I didn’t feel a thing. I was in my 4th decrease in the past six months so the hunters were gaining on me as I tried to climb. Finally I reached the top and slide down a little to gain some space in between me and the hunters. I slid down a little more and grabbed hold of a rock for cover from the wind and hunters as the continued their pursuit for me. I was trying to make more arrows to fight back and be able to get back to the village to get some medicine. As I completed An arrow and stuck it in the holder with the rest of my arrows I was shot by an Arrow and tore my artery. I was in a complete shock my heart started pumping really fast and I was sweating like crazy I tried to take my coat of to stop sweating but I fell down unconscious my pursuit to my village and family ended in a flash.  

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