Iceman blog post- MHillworth

Once upon a time there was a man named otzi thats me and i was  in a bet with a guy that i couldn’t find my way out of the woods as fast as he could. So i took the bet and the next day i got all my stuff ready and then i whent to the woods to meet mori and his friends etsy and mentzy. Etsy and mentzy were twin brothers they came with mori but i didn’t know why. Then we started going into the woods as far as we could then we arrived at the spot then the twins said ready set go and i went one way and mori went the other. After ten minutes i arrived at a tree with claw marks on it and out of the corner of my eye i saw a sabre tooth tiger and he was mad so i got my bow out and shot 3 arrows at the tigers head and it went down but it wasn’t dead yet so i took my copper axe out and put it out of its misery that gave me food just in case i got lost. Then that’s when it all got started apparently that was one of the twins pet so one of the twins saw what i had done and ran towards me with a knife then as he go closer to me he stabbed me in the hand. Then i started running and at that quick second i remembered i still had 5 finished arrows so i quickly turned around and shot three arrows at him at the same time they all hit him and then he fell to the ground and died. Then all of a sudden the other twin mentzy started running after me with his bow and arrows and he was shooting at me and he kep missing but i knew if i tried to turn around and shoot at him he would probably shoot and kill me so tried my best to get away from him and all of a sudden i fell into a hole the led to the mountains. That’s when everything calmed down 10 minutes later i had gotten to the mountains with snow covering the ground  then all of a sudden mentzy showed up and i started running and he kep shooting at me. Then i had fell over a rock and hit the back of my head on a rock for some odd reason i didn’t get knocked out but i got back up and i felt a liquid on my back of my head so i took my hand and touched the back of my head and it was bleeding but not much but i had a indent in the back of my head. Then mentzy found me again and that’s when he shot his bow and arrow and the arrow hit me in the shoulder then it started bleeding alot and i tried to run away as far as i could and all of a sudden i blacked out and never got back up. Then mentzy came to pull the arrow out but the arrow head broke off the arrow and stuck inside of me then i started to die slowly and over time my body got frozen into a glacier. Some people found me thousands of years later and they started doing tests on my cold lifeless body. And that is my story Otzi

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