B Martinez

Otzi was in  important person, you may ask what he was famous for….. Well no one knows. Some scientist don’t really know a lot about him some do know about him. He was also in his mid forties, and he was claimed to be short. He was heading into the mountains he was getting assassinated or getting murdered, he did not know about this. He was sickly, he had three diseases in the last six months, and he also had really bad stomach aches.


Let’s talk about his life. When he was heading to the mountains he had tools with him such as a copper ax, unfinished arrows and a bow…. Which is not going to help him, by protecting himself by enemies or by animals if an enemy was trying to kill him and that’s the only thing he had then he will die. Same with the animal part if a wild animal was trying to kill him then he will get badly injured or even die, also if he is hungry then he can use his bow to kill the animal he would have to sneak up and kill it, which is going to be hard since the animal will run away from him. He also had up to three layers of clothing, which makes sense because he was in the cold mountains.


What he ate was deer, goat, plants, grains ( not cereal ) he also had something that only grew in the spring which indicated he was in the mountains during the spring.


His death…. He was in the mountains below 6,500 above sea level during his deat. He was possibly assassinated (murdered) as well. He was shot by an arrow in the left shoulder behind. Only one scientist figured this out when this happend, only the shard was stuck in the shoulder which made it harder to spot. He died because of his heart rate or he bleed to death which is a shock. And different people would make different arrows, it would be unique like our fingerprints. When this occurred they tried to take the arrow out, but only the shard was still in. He was found in a cave dead.

3 thoughts on “B Martinez”

  1. Good story and summary of the Iceman and his life and how he died.
    I wish you would have used more punctuation because most sentences were run-on sentences.
    And why don’t we know why he was famous?

  2. Brian you did a great job with explaining the details about Otzi.
    I wish you would have told what was that Otzi had that was only in the spring.
    Who killed Otzi that is what I wonder.

  3. >you did great answering the questions
    +I wish you would have got into more detail
    -What if i dident know anything about the iceman this is very good but it needs more detail

    (: (> <)

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